Oauth2 Authentication With React

Published: Mar 13, 2024 by

OAuth2 Authentication with React

I’m unfortunately going to have to add my voice to some assorted tidbits I’ve found regarding OAuth2 authentication in React apps. While there’s been some good efforts made, the reality is that it’s a bit complicated (at least for React beginners like myself) and has a fair number of moving parts. Let’s start, then, by identifying all the moving parts and trying to code each of them in turn.

First, we have the React SPA itself. This is going to be relevant, because it’s the top level of our React app, and some of what we do is going to be done at that level. Next, we have the BrowserRouter, which will mount our callback component for us. Which leads us to the callback component itself. Finally, we have a Login component that displays a login/logout button, as well as the currently logged in user’s email, if logged in.

The React SPA

const App: React.FC = () => {
    return (
                    <div className="row"><Login /></div>
                        <Route element={<LoginCallback />} path="/callback" />
                        <Route element={<Home />} path="/" />

The application doesn’t need much explanation. There’s a home component (which will simply display a greeting for now), a callback component which is responsible for obtaining access tokens given authorization codes (OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow), and a Login component that displays the login/logout button and logged-in username.

Before I go too much further, though, I want to jump in here with a word about the ProvideAuth tag seen above. That’s part of the custom hooks we use to interact with the login server, so let’s look at that before we go anywhere else:

import React, {createContext, useContext, useState} from "react";

// we are providing a React context of the following type:
interface AuthContextType {
    isAuthenticated: boolean,
    idToken: string | null
    accessToken: string | null,
    refreshToken: string | null,
    name: string | null,
    email: string | null,
    login: () => void,
    logout: () => void,
    processLoginResponse: (response: Response) => void,
    processUserInfoResponse: (response: Response) => void

// The default React context has no values and no functionality
const defaultAuthContext : AuthContextType = {
    isAuthenticated: false,
    idToken: null,
    accessToken: null,
    refreshToken: null,
    name: null,
    email: null,
    login: () => {},
    logout: ()=> {},
    processLoginResponse: (response: Response) => {},
    processUserInfoResponse: (response: Response) => {}

const AuthContext = createContext<AuthContextType>(defaultAuthContext);

// provides the `ProvideAuth` tag for our React app. Any child components will
// have access to the authentication context
function ProvideAuth({children}) {
    const auth = useProvideAuth();
    return (
        <AuthContext.Provider value={auth}>

// the hook that child components will use to access the authentication context
function useAuth() {
    return useContext(AuthContext);

// the state-backed implementation of the authentication context
function useProvideAuth() {
    const [isAuthenticated, setAuthenticated] = useState(false);
    const [idToken, setIdToken] = useState("");
    const [accessToken, setAccessToken] = useState("");
    const [refreshToken, setRefreshToken] = useState("");
    const [name, setName] = useState("");
    const [email, setEmail] = useState("");

    // calls the auth endpoint of the realm and redirects back to the home URL
    const login = () => {
        const baseUrl = process.env.REACT_APP_BASE_URL;
        const clientId = process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID;
        const realmUrl = process.env.REACT_APP_REALM_URL;
        let q = [
            `redirect_uri=` + encodeURIComponent(`${baseUrl}/callback`),
            `scope=openid profile email`,
            `client_id=` + encodeURIComponent(`${clientId}`)

    // calls the logout endpoint of the realm which will redirect back to the
    // home URL
    const logout = async () => {
        const realmUrl = process.env.REACT_APP_REALM_URL;
        await fetch(`${realmUrl}/protocol/openid-connect/logout`)
        // clear client-side login state

    // process the response from the token endpoint using the authorization code
    const processLoginResponse = async (response: Response) => {
        let json = await response.json();

    // process the userinfo response to get name and email address
    const processUserInfoResponse = async (response: Response) => {
        let json = await response.json();

    // return a compatible context object
    return {

export {useAuth, ProvideAuth}

There’s a lot of individual methods there, but I added some comments, and none of the methods are particularly complicated. But it’s not necessary to entirely understand the code to know how to use it effectively. There are two key points. First, you’ll need to call useAuth() from your React Component. This provides the authentication context, which itself provides the following methods:

  • login: redirects the user to the login page for the realm and handles the authorization code callback
  • logout: signs the user out of the authentication server and redirects back to the home page
  • processLoginResponse: used by the login callback to retrieve an access token from the authorization code
  • processUserInfoResponse: used by the login callback to retrieve the user’s name and email address Second, you need to wrap all React components that need the authentication context in the ProvideAuth tag, as shown in the initial example above. Only components whose ancestors include ProvideAuth can call useAuth().

The LoginCallback

The LoginCallback is responsible for receiving the authorization code in the form of a callback URL. Once the code is received, it will be exchanged for id, access, and refresh tokens. Those values will be stored in the authentication context for later use, and then the userinfo endpoint will be queried to complete the authentication context values.

const LoginCallback : React.FC = () => {
    const location = useLocation();
    const navigate = useNavigate();
    const auth = useAuth();
    const [code, setCode] = useState("");
    const [lastCode, setLastCode] = useState("");

    const getToken = useCallback(async (code: string) => {
        let q = `code=` + encodeURIComponent(code) +
                `&redirect_uri=` + encodeURIComponent(`${process.env.REACT_APP_BASE_URL}/callback`) +
                `&client_id=` + encodeURIComponent(`${process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID}`) +
                `&client_secret=` + encodeURIComponent(`${process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_SECRET}`) +
        return await fetch(`${process.env.REACT_APP_REALM_URL}/protocol/openid-connect/token`, {
            method: "POST",
            headers: {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
            body: q
    }, []);

    // this effect will update the code if it is new. The comparison to lastCode ensures that this
    // callback will only fetch one token per code, regardless of how many times this callback is rendered.
    useEffect(() => {
        let search = location.search;
        const theCode = (search.match(/code=([^&]+)/) || [])[1];
        if (theCode !== lastCode)
    }, [location.search, lastCode]);

    // this effect will fetch the token every time the code is updated
    useEffect(() =>
        if (code) {
                .then(res => auth.processLoginResponse(res))
                .then(_ => navigate("/"))
                .catch(error => console.log(error))
    }, [code, auth, getToken, navigate])

    return <div></div>;

export default LoginCallback;

I’ll only note that there are two separate effects required to accomplish the login. In the course of my testing, I discovered that it was not possible to do the lastCode comparison within the same effect as the token fetch. Experienced React users will understand that this is due to the asynchronous nature of useState(). It was very frustrating to discover that I could not simply call setLastCode and then immediately use lastCode’s new value. So, I update the code if it’s new, and then fetch a new token for every new code.

The Login Component

The Login component will display a button for logging in or out, as well as the currently logged in user’s email address. This is illustrative, as it’s easily modified to suit your tastes. The most notable part of this component is how it will retrieve userinfo every time the access token changes, and update the component display accordingly. This demonstrates how to achieve inter-component communication using React hooks: one component will update a value within the context (setAccessToken, called from processLoginResponse), and another will use that value as a dependency for its own effects.

const Login: React.FC = () => {
    const auth = useAuth();

    const getUserInfo = useCallback(async () => {
        return await fetch(`${process.env.REACT_APP_REALM_URL}/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo`, {
            headers: { "Authorization": `Bearer ${auth.accessToken}` }
    }, [auth.accessToken]);

    // this effect will populate the user details from the userinfo endpoint
    useEffect(() => {
        if (auth.accessToken) {
                .then(res => auth.processUserInfoResponse(res))
                .catch(error => console.log(error));
    }, [auth.accessToken, auth, getUserInfo]);

    if (auth.isAuthenticated)
        return (
            <div className="row">
                Logged in as {auth.email}
                <Button onClick={auth.logout}>Logout</Button>
    else {
        return <Button onClick={auth.login}>Login</Button>;

export default Login;


The above code is the verbatim implementation of an OAuth2 login component for React. It demonstrates the use of React hooks and contexts to share state between components and communicate changes between them. I suppose I should also mention a couple of failed approaches. My first attempt used a Material Dialog component to display the login within a modal iframe. However, this fails because the LoginCallback component is then rendered within the iframe, and the application loaded a second time. Another approach suggested similar, but running the HTML through PurifyDOM first. This doesn’t work for the Keycloak server at all.

I hope you find this code useful. I am unfortunately not able to take on the maintenance burden of releasing and maintaining this code as a resuable package. If you’re reading this and you want to, please feel free to do so. This code is provided as-is without warranty or expectation of updates.


I’d like to add a special thank you to Param Singh for his article on the subject, as well as Tasos Kakour (Github: @tasoskakour) for his useOAuth2 package on Github. Both of these authors were significant contributors to this article.
